Theresa & Angel ended my summer season and kicked off the fall season! These two have known each other for many years. Through mutual friends they were reunited, fell in love, and got married. One of my favorite things about photographing weddings is asking the bride and groom how they met. Every story is unique and tells me a lot about the couple. Every wedding has a similar routine throughout the day, but every detail is so vastly different based on the couple and their personalities. I love capturing this uniquely for each couple.
Both Theresa & Angel are sweet, soft spoken, and ever so kind. Every part of the day was sentimental and intentional. Starting in morning with tears and KLove on the radio for peace, to praying together while not seeing one another holding hands around the corner, to their vows, and even in the way the families come together and danced. It was undeniable that these two were full of love for the other and that they were surrounded by love all around. Their wedding day was gorgeous and sunny, but also extremely hot! After the ceremony we all traveled to a park to take pictures. The park was lush and green with a winding path that led down to a pond surrounded by a variety of trees. After we had some fun taking photos of the wedding party, we sent them back to the bus so Theresa & Angel could take some photos together.
We quickly moved them through different locations at the park because it was so hot. As we put them against the tree line in the shade I asked them my favorite prompt to give couples on their wedding day. I told them to talk about the things that they are most excited for in marriage. As I stepped away and photographed the interaction from a distance. I love capturing the smiles, emotions, & giggles as they think and share with one another what they’re most excited about. After this, they danced to a song chosen by their bridal party for the videographer. As they danced under the weeping willow tree, I got some enduring photos of them laughter at the song choice, at their uncertainty dancing, but also at their joy in being with one another and just getting the opportunity to be with one another in that moment in the chaos of the rest of the day.
After getting everyone back on the bus into the air conditioning, we made our way to the reception. The hall had stained glass details that soon had the sun’s setting light glowing through. The night continued on with sweet words from the best man and maid of honor. Once the dancing started, the maracas made an appearance. I’m pretty sure those maracas were used well throughout the entirety of the night! I watched as families joined together to dance and celebrate. It was clear from their interaction that there as pure excitement for these two to be joined together.
I’m so thankful for the opportunity to have photographed Theresa & Angel’s wedding and to be able to witness years of friendship turn into something so loving and lasting in one day. Congratulations to the new Mr. & Mrs. Rodriguez!
Wedding photographed with Loyalty Entertainment LTD.