The beginning of the year always seems to be slow in the photography department. Everyone is gradually slowing down from the holidays, the excitement of a new year, and of course hibernating. Not too many people want to venture out into the cold unless there's some beautiful snow to serve as a serene environment, which my side of the state hasn't seen much at all this season. 

The up side to not having a bunch of jobs with deadlines to edit and send out is that I can take my own photos, of whatever I want, whatever I see, for whatever purpose. This past weekend my husband Danny and I road tripped to Fort Wayne Indiana to see our friends Kevin & Jenn, their two kids Cal & Elise, and of course their dog Duffer. We had an odd January weekend with temperatures in the 50s that allowed us to spend some time outside with the kids. We took a walk, played some tag, and just did a lot of general running around in the yard. The kids ended their time outside by covering themselves in mud when left to their own devices for a few minutes. Not a bad way to end a Saturday outside. 

All of these elements made for a perfect excuse to get out my camera and take some pictures of some pretty darn cute kids in their natural world of play, joy, and curiosity. I absolutely love photographing kids because they're always just themselves and super adorable. It makes for a pretty easy time photographing them. I'm so glad we got to getaway and spend a weekend with our friends and capture some of the little moments we had!
