My husband's family has a camp up near Kane, PA, and we unfortunately don't have the time to get up there as often as we'd like. At the beginning of fall we did have one free weekend that we utilized to make the journey up to camp.
My husband surprised me with a trip to New York while we were at camp (which is surprisingly super close). He found a spot on Atlas Obscura as we usually do to find something new to explore. We ended up at Griffis Sculpture Park, which is basically a bunch of land with a ton of different sculptures by different artists that you're encouraged to interact with. It covers a ton of space! I always get excited when people tell me I'm allowed to touch the art, because going to college for an art degree and making many museum trips, it's definitely frowned upon in most scenarios. There were pieces to climb, to crawl inside of, and just to touch the textures of the pieces. The park is definitely a unique spot that merges the outdoors and art in a special way.
Here's a look at our adventures in the park!